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Body Contouring


Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa located in Woodbury, NY

It can be highly frustrating to have achieved a significant weight reduction only to find the last few pounds won’t shift no matter how hard you try. The aesthetic medicine specialists at Cosmedoctor in Woodbury, New York, may well have the solution to your problem in the form of body contouring. The procedure painlessly melts away unwanted pockets of fat, so if you need help reaching your ideal figure, call Cosmedoctor today or book an appointment online.

What is body contouring?

Body contouring is an aesthetic treatment that defines the contours of your figure. Using noninvasive technologies, body contouring removes pads or rolls of excess fat that aren’t responding to diet and exercise to give you the look you want.

Many people find that, no matter how hard they try, stubborn fat in certain key areas remains. These areas typically include the following:

  • Belly
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Thighs
  • Under the chin

Body contouring is designed to refine your figure rather than remove large areas of fat that you could lose through healthy weight loss. 

How does body contouring work?

The advanced technologies used in body contouring target fat cells in the treatment areas and either heat them or freeze them to a specific temperature. The temperature needed to destroy fat cells is harmless to surrounding tissues, and your body will naturally dispose of the dead cells safely over the following weeks.

Once fat cells die, they can’t regenerate, so the effects of body contouring treatment are permanent. However, you will have to manage your weight and not overeat after the treatment, or the remaining fat cells might expand.

Cosmedoctor also uses cutting-edge Emsculpt® body contouring technology to build muscle and tone your figure.

Why should I choose body contouring?

Other methods of dealing with areas of stubborn fat include more traditional forms of surgery like liposuction. The advantages of body contouring over surgical fat reduction include the following:

  • Precision targeting of small fat deposits
  • No need for incisions (body contouring is entirely noninvasive)
  • No stitches or scarring
  • Minimal risk of infection
  • None of the pain associated with surgery
  • No anesthetics, so there’s less risk of complications
  • No need for a prolonged recovery period
  • Treatment only takes around 25 minutes
  • Enables natural contouring

Body contouring devices feature cooling technology that activates during treatment to keep your skin from overheating or freezing. Because the process is entirely noninvasive, you experience little, if any, discomfort.

You won’t see instant results because your body needs time to dispose of the dead fat cells. You should see a reduction in fat at the treatment sites in around six weeks, and it typically takes around three months to achieve the final result. You may need additional sessions to maintain your progress.

Being stuck with stubborn areas of fat can be dispiriting, but with body contouring, you can reveal your ideal figure. Call Cosmedoctor for more information or complete the online inquiry form on our Contact Us page.